Barbadian | British/Gambian

I don’t go back to Barbados often, mainly because of the cost of the flights. And with my whole climate change background I’m not really a fan of flying too much. My grandad came over in the 60s, my dad was born here. Grandad was born in Barbados along with my granny. They have kept their Bajan accents the whole time. Often some other members of the family come over and through that, chilling with them, eating the food, I can relate to them. Its something I’m proud of 100%. It’s only a small country, just a little island. Not the smallest of the Caribbean islands but still it nice to have almost like another identity rather than just being from London. It makes me feel more unique. I think that in this day and age everyone wants to be unique - the way people dress, the things that people do. Nobody wants to be the guy next door, everybody wants to be their own person. If you have something like this, this is something I can draw upon, this can be my uniqueness. With more people travelling and people integrating and cultures coming together, there are going to be more and more mixed race people and I think that's great.