Belgian | Hong Kong Chinese

My mum is Belgian, and my dad is Hong Kong Chinese. I think I’ve known I was mixed-race my whole life. We grew up celebrating different cultural traditions from Belgium’s St. Nicholas Day to Chinese New Year. Plus, both sides of my family look different to me, so I was certainly aware I was a mesh of the two. But I grew up in an ethnically diverse area and went to a local state school, so race was never that defining to me growing up. I think my biggest issue is when people only credit the more visibly-obvious race. People too quickly class me as ‘Asian’ and that negates 50% of who I am. Also, people often jump to the conclusion that you can speak both languages of your parents when in actuality, being mixed-race, often means that your parents speak one communal language to each other and that’ll be the language you predominantly speak. When people ask me if I can speak Cantonese, French, Flemish and/or Mandarin, it makes me feel inadequate for not being able to. My positive experience of being mixed-race has included negative experiences, too. I’ve had racial slurs, stereotypical remarks and overfamiliarity thrown towards me as a result of the way I look. But, all that’s done is given me a fierce resilience, empathy and curiosity about everyone else’s walk of life. I love being a part of two very different cultures and it’s made me adventurous in my love of food (albeit vegetarian), travel and hearing stories around the world. My only complaint is that my family are spread out all over the world and sometimes, selfishly, I wish they could all be in one place. I am close to my immediate family though, my sis @arianechui & I run our own blog @ftoxins. I think the future is going to be more and more mixed – and I love that because I think it’s a celebration of how diverse our world is. But, I do think mixed raced people’s ethnicities could start becoming more saturated. For example, my kids could have a Chinese surname but only be a quarter Chinese (so might not look Asian) so I think we all need to be curious, polite and never afraid to ask questions because it’s always better to ask than to assume.

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