English | Indian

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My mum is from North London and my dad is from Mumbai. My mum travelled to India to work as a missionary in the 70s my, dad was a Vicar there. I was born in New Delhi and then moved to the UK a few years later. I then went to an international boarding school in Southern India for 6 years. About 70% of the students there were from somewhere abroad. Most of them were of mixed heritage, mostly their parents worked on aid projects around Asia and Southern Africa. It was a very race blind school, there were no incidents I can think of that were based on race.
This was contrasted with my experience studying in a 6th form college in the North of England in the 90s. I went to a large 6th form college and there were only 3 or 4 of us who weren’t Caucasian.
My parents brought me up to be quite open about things. I certainly feel that I am more culturally drawn to being English. I don’t feel myself liking certain things or drawn to anything based on my heritage. As far as being mixed-race I think I look more Indian and I love the food, but I don’t think it define me.
 When people get to know me, I think they will see me as someone who is not cultural but if you look at me you would think the opposite based on my complexion. I think we’re hardwired to judge people quite quickly as human beings, most of us are willing to revisit our judgements or give people a bit more time.
 I’ve always been drawn to having a dynamic group of friends, in terms of people of different races and social/cultural & economic backgrounds. It’s something that’s definitely added a degree of wealth in my life. It’s hard to determine whether this stems solely from my mixed-race heritage or my personality. I tend not to like people who are quite dogmatic; whether its race, gender or sexuality there’s always grey and the more people are honest the more grey you see.
I think the UK is increasingly becoming more open to mixed-race people, I’m not married yet and I would like to bring more cultures into my family. I love to travel and meet new cultures and explore how they live their lives. I think London is a really good base to meet the right people and seek the right experiences.