English | Nigerian

I consider myself a mixed-race & heterosexual. My mother is English, my father was Nigerian. I never had my Father in my life, so I was never exposed to my native language. I would say that having a void around my African heritage definitely affected me. It was very challenging as when I was young but at the same time I can only feel gratitude because that same wound launched me on a path of self-discovery. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for this gap in my identity, it helped forge the character I am becoming. I was brought up with my second name Thomas because my Dad essentially wanted me to be called Junior. About ten years ago I decided I wanted to honour my African heritage and start using my first name Deji (which was also thrilled to realise was an anagram of Jedi - Star Wars was my first film in a cinema when I was four and was convinced that I was going to be a Jedi myself!). I’m half Yoruba over the last few years my path has taken me to become an apprentice Babalow priest. Working with the divination system called IFA. It has a similar essence to the iChing divination of China. It works with the ancient earth energy matrix’s which are known as the Orisha’s (used throughout Africa and the Americas) and uses the oldest binary system known to man. I am still early in my relationship to this way, but I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to connect with the power of my ancestral blood through this ancient practice. When asked where I’m from I say I’m half Nigerian, half English and grew up in London. Overall, I would say being mixed-race in today’s society is great. I have been delighted to see things change from when I was young and pray that it will continue to move in the same direction. I’m grateful for the path my wound has led me on and feel excited to see where it’s leading. I’m forty-one and still full of playfulness and curiosity, I can’t see that energy fading anytime soon (in fact anytime). If I had the opportunity to be reborn I would want to return as myself, but I’d definitely be curious to be born as peer of my descendants seven generations on!

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