English/Welsh | Bajan

I identify as mixed-race. My Mum is English/Welsh and my Dad is from Barbados. My initial realisation of being mixed-race was as a child. Having my hair washed and plaited my hair I knew my texture was different and looked different, I would get upset as children laughed after going swimming because my curly hair didn't dry the same. Instead it became a big frizzy Afro and I had to brush it back in a bun. I experienced racism as a child at school and in my street. In the 1970s early 80s I lived in a predominantly White area so people were curious, not always in a good way. I found that I didn’t fit in with most races but was always assumed to be Black. Growing up I encountered resistance in my social environment and from my grandparents on both sides, they were not keen on my parent’s choice of partner. In the 1970s and 1980s being in mixed relationships was frowned upon. As their parents were of the older generation they did not change their opinion on this until my cousins had partners of different races too. For me living in London compared to back then is a lot more diverse and accepting of cultural mixes, although there are still comments here and there. But these experiences enabled positive creative process within my music as a songwriter being blessed with west Indian, British and welsh influence growing up. I merge this into songs when creating them. I connect with my Bajan culture based on my love of old school reggae and soca music from the West Indian side. I connect with my English/Welsh side when I eat traditional English food and listen to Chas & Dave. I really embrace learning about the history of both cultures it has impacted my character in a way too. Being mixed in today’s society is challenging, however I am able to adapt from experience now that others may see, think and feel differently and some are more accepting of difference and that’s ok. If I had the opportunity to be reborn I would want to return as me again, why not? My latest song is about supporting others whatever the situation. Written by me, featuring vocalist Alix Robson. Released February 1st.

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