Ghanaian | Scottish

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I was born in London, St Mary's Hospital. Paddington, London.
My father was an actor; actually the first known African actor from Ghana in those days (as it was hard to find a black man acting in films in the 1940’s) and my mother was a Scottish lady. 
Sadly, I never lived with my parents; they separated soon after I was born. 

But I managed. My beloved uncle in Ghana brought me up, he introduced me to art and taught me how to read and appreciate the English language. 
Only time in London I was affected by racial discrimination was years ago in the 1950’s when I was called a mulatto, which I thought was very rude. This was when my husband and I were looking to rent a place and the boards said, ‘no Irish, no n…. no dogs…’. Yes. Those days.

What really affected my life as a mixed race woman was when I was a child, I was asked to choose where I would like to live. Gold Coast (Ghana) or UK. My father promised me if I went to the Gold Coast I would be a princess and every little girl likes to be a princess… because princesses can go anywhere. I was unaware I would be going to live there for good. It turned out that I was not a princess after all and I began to hate the Gold Coast. 
Over the years, my first marriage to the doctor ended, we had two beautiful children. I re-married and had another 3 kids who I adore. But life and changes in those days in Ghana did not make life easier for anyone. My second relationship ended and I set out a plan to return to the United Kingdom. 

So, I returned to the UK as an adult years later. I finally left Ghana with nothing but a suitcase of hand made clothes. I started my new life back in England and set up home first in Camberwell and then moved to West Dulwich. Over the years my kids all grew up and settled down honoring me with 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. 

Personally I lack confidence but that has nothing to do with my race. I like who I am. I am just I. If you have lived a long time, most of the stories you remember fade away, not because you forget, but mostly because you try not to remember.