Scottish | Jamaican

I identify as Jamaican & Scottish and I am a Christian straight male. My mum originates from Jamaica and my dad originates from Scotland. I was somewhat aware that I was mixed- race from a young age, I would see TV adverts showing an ‘ideal family’ as being White. My family didn’t reflect the same image. My mum was Black, and my dad was White, but I was raised by my mum and my mum family always used to say that I would be considered Black in society, even if though I am very fair skinned. I don't think I let my race affect my personal life because I haven’t let it really affect it. I guess its shaped my preference for women as I prefer to date mixed girls or Black as that’s what I’ve mainly be raised around Black or mixed people. I feel like there are definitely bias attitudes towards mixed-race people. Firstly, people feel that mixed-race people have confused identities because they represent more than one race. Why can’t you represent both races equally without being judged? I also think people feel that mixed-race people have it easy because they’re mixed-race and have the best of ‘both worlds’ when in fact it can be quite the opposite where you’re not accepted by both races. I wish could be able to speak any languages but unfortunately, I can’t. If I could choose any language I would probably want to know how to speak Spanish or Chinese/Mandarin as they are one of the most widely used languages in the world. I would say I connect with my Jamaican culture more because I've been raised by the Jamaican side of my family for the majority of my life. I've only recently connected with the Scottish side of my family. One positive of being mixed-race is that you get to be a part of at least two different cultures and you get to enjoy the amazing cuisines that come with them cultures which is something that you can brag about to your friends. If I was born again I would study more. Even though my grades are ok I think if I studied more I would be able to pick any occupation I want. I wanted to become a veterinarian when I was younger as I like animals however my plans have changed since.

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