Dutch | Beninese/Nigerian

I identify as mixed-race, of Dutch, Beninese and Nigerian heritage. My Mum is from Benin and my Dad is from The Netherlands. Besides this, my Mum has cultural links with Nigeria, Senegal and Ethiopia. Apparently I realised I was mixed when I was around 4 years old. My Mum told me that one day, I kept staring at my parents and suddenly asked why both of them had a different colour. Later on, I became conscious of my dual heritage when I realised the language I spoke to my Dad (Dutch) was different from the language I spoke to my Mum (French), which was even different from the language I spoke at my international school (English). I feel blessed to have been raised surrounded by different cultures. Not only did I have a multicultural household, but I have lived in different countries as well: The Netherlands, Haiti, Jamaica, Eritrea and Kenya. Having all these influences definitely shaped how I see myself, a person enriched with different cultures, how I look at others, through an open-minded lens and it shaped my norms and values, which are founded on respect, appreciation and perseverance. Both my parents are cosmopolitans and share the same values and visions, which I think is also one of the reasons why they are still together. Having been immersed in both the African and the Dutch culture I have to say I have not yet found a place where I have felt 100% integrated. I feel like whenever I am in Africa, I am seen as ‘the White person’, and whenever I am in Europe, I am seen as ‘the coloured person’. This in itself for me isn’t necessarily a problem. What I do struggle with however is when people either expect me to look a certain way (e.g. when I am told my name does not fit my appearance) or expect me to behave or speak in a particular way. With time, I have learned how to deal with this and I now actually enjoy surprising people with my unexpected characteristics. 
I love being able to combine my cultures through my hairstyles, way of dressing and music. You’ll find me with my hair in box braids, wearing a vintage lace dress, whilst listening to Starboy. If I were to be born again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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