Dutch | Japanese

My Mom originates from Japan and my Dad originates from the Netherlands. My Mom didn’t teach me Japanese as a kid and I’ve always felt a bit of regret in that. I know that I would’ve been a whole different person if she did send me to the Japanese Saturday School, I would’ve had more Japanese connections and just more connection with the culture in general. I think language is super interesting and key to good communication. There can be a huge barrier if you don’t speak the same language. I think on a superficial level I’ve gotten some ‘you’re pretty’ and a bit of admiration perhaps for my background. But it’s all getting close to people’s fetishes with Asian culture or being ‘half-Asian’ and I’ve also gotten a lot of people who are obsessed with Japan and her culture (for example anime). I think that is something that won’t change any time soon. Furthermore I believe that being mixed just gives you more of a sense of how it’s cool to be some kind of ‘bridge’ between two cultures. You’re a bit of both (or more), and it shaped a lot of you. I’m happy I haven’t experienced much negativity with my identity and I think it’s easier therefore for me to be proud of my identity. Also I think people are more fluid than we think, and people can change. I blend in quite well with society, only sometimes a question about my heritage. I think Instagram shapes a lot of my current interests and views on things. I do feel like I’m always interested to hear about other mixed people, especially half-Asian. It’s interesting to see how they live their lives and how they are being their selves. I think that being mixed is beautiful, it’s something you’re hopefully proud of, but it should not be the first and only interesting thing there is about you. I work at a Starbucks at the airport which is a pretty international environment. The team I work with is pretty diverse, and the guests that visit are too. As I have said before the interactions that do mention my heritage are usually pretty cool and positive. A bit stereotypical sometimes but that’s something that will change slowly but steady.

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