English/Scottish | Bajan
Photo credit: provided by subject
I identify as mixed-race; White/Black Caribbean (Bajan) and a straight Christian female. I have Crohn’s disease and was misdiagnosed for 7 years. You can read my story in this article.
My Mum is English and 1/4 Scottish. My Dad was born in England, but Nan and Grandad were born in Barbados and moved here in the 50s. They met in a nightclub. I don’t think the combining of cultures was ever an issue for any of them, and it was never an issue for any of my Grandparents on both sides. I’ve been to Barbados three times and have visited family out there also.
I have always loved being mixed and always will. I have in the past had mixed-race boyfriends. I had an ex who was Iranian British and was racist towards Black people. We clashed a lot because of this, and it didn’t work. I have never had any issues connecting to my cultures, I am always and forever proud. I’m also all for interracial relationships. As long as somebody treats you with respect and like the King/Queen you are that’s good enough for me.
I think I would’ve definitely wanted Black History to be crucial and actually mandatory for schools to teach when growing up. There’s a lot that needs to change for us to become equal, and for me I think we are still a long way for this to happen but with the right education put in place in school and maybe stricter consequences when it comes to racism it could be a start.
In light of the global protest for racial equality, as a mixed-race person I’m angry that this is still going on to this day and that this has still not changed for us and we are still fighting for equal rights. It’s disgusting. I have experienced racism first-hand in the past. I receive comments regarding my personality, like ‘oh you act White’ and ‘oh you act ghetto’.
I don’t think my ethnic background is very represented, especially in regards to the media, a mixed-race woman with a scar is not seen anywhere and this is what I so desperately am trying to change.
I’ve had racism in the workplace and been bullied by managers because of my skin colour and had to put in a formal complaint.
If I had the opportunity to be reborn, I would want to return the same person and colour I am today. I wouldn’t change anything. And the same family and boyfriend I have.