German | African American
Photo credit: provided by subject
I am a Model and Rhythmic Gymnast. During the pandemic I have kept busy training in Rhythmic Gymnastics.
My Mom is German and my Dad is African American. They met on MySpace, fell in love very fast and only a year later I was born. My Mom has travelled a lot and experienced different cultures. She grew up traveling with parents that loved different music, food and culture. She moved from Germany to Costa Rica and then the USA.
My Mom was always attracted to darker features and African American men. Mom and Dad just clicked and went with the flow.
Interracial relationships are definitely treated differently compared to when my Grandparents and Great Grandparents dated. They came from Communist East Germany back in the day. Interracial relationships were not allowed.
I have not yet faced challenges; my Mom raises me with love and teaches me kindness. As a mixed-race girl I believe I get the best of both worlds!
I actually went to Germany two years ago for the first time to meet my Grandparents and Great Grandparents. It was so different from the USA.
If I had the opportunity to be reborn I would want to return exactly as I am! I hope that soon there are more Black and mixed girls in Rhythmic Gymnastics!