Irish | Filipino
Photo credit: provided by subject
I am half Irish and half Filipino and I have lived in France for 14 years. I am currently living in Ireland with my Grandfather and few of my siblings. Growing up in France was very challenging yet amazing! My Filipino Mum and my Irish Dad taught me how to respect one another and have faith in God, I will always be so grateful for all they've done for me and my siblings!
My Mum was born and raised in the Philippines and my Dad was born in Ireland. They met in the Philippines and they quickly got married. They really did a great job combining their cultures! I guess they just accepted and embraced each one's culture and ways. For me and my siblings it was normal to eat rice always and drink Irish tea every day! We were raised to be happy and content with the smallest things and growing up I became more and more proud of my identity and culture thanks to my parents.
Often at school people would mock my identity and were wondering how I could live with two nationalities, I never really cared and just felt it was a special gift I received. I felt proud and happy that I got the privilege to be mixed race. Many people would be fascinated when they hear that I’m half Irish half Filipino and they would be so interested in my background and I love sharing that with others.
Because we went to school in France we spent most of our time in France but every summer we would go to Ireland to visit our Granddad. It always felt weird to arrive at his home. It felt special and homely. yet when I went back to France I had the same feeling! Also I got the chance to go to the Philippines and it was so wonderful! I got to meet my Grandmother, Uncles and relatives for the first time I also felt at home there!
My siblings and I came up with an idea! We’ll call the house in Ireland ‘Home the house in France ‘Home Home’ and the one in the Philippines ‘Home Home Home’. They all have a special place in my heart.
As I grow older I believe that there is so much more to discover in both cultures and I think it is amazing to be able to share this.
If I were to be reborn I'd wish to get the exact upbringing, parents and nationalities. I'd never want to change anything! I am just so grateful and happy to have such great and loving parents and siblings.
I want the world to know that everyone is special. Don't be ashamed of your nationality or background, you all have your own story and path and you deserve to be respected like anyone else! Don't hide your identity because you were born for a reason. Be proud of your nationalities.