Scottish/Italian | Nigerian

I identify as Nigerian, Scottish & Italian. I am Atheist & heterosexual. My Father is from Nigeria and my Mother is from Scotland (Glasgow), however, her grandparents were Italian immigrants and part of a large Italian diaspora in Scotland that had emigrated over in the late 19th and early 20th century. My Father being academically brilliant, won a scholarship to study at the top boys boarding school in Nigeria and on excelling there, he won another scholarship to study at a university in the UK. Intending to study naval architecture, he chose Glasgow University which of course was one of the centers for this industry. My Mum and Dad met at a student house party in Glasgow. My mother would have been around 18 and my father 22. When I was very young, I spent some time in Glasgow, some in London, however, the vast majority of my growing up was in Cambridge. It’s difficult to confidently say, however I think I became aware I was mixed-race in Cambridge, probably around the age of 6. That’s as far back as I can remember, however, it’s possible I was aware before that, but I just don’t have any recollection. There were synergies between my parents’ cultures in that they both had come from extremely religious families. I guess from my perspective the thing that I could attach to culture was food for the most part. When I think about culture, I can see the beauty of it in that it can be a narrative comprised of a number of elements over a long period of time to create a rich and wonderful tapestry that defines a people and the places they’re from and have grown in and with. I love being who I am, I love being mixed race, I love the races and cultures I’m comprised of, I love this country and having grown up here. So it’s all positive! When I look around, I do often think it’s probably just becoming a very normal part of society, in London at least. It seems like so many people are mixed or they’re in mixed relationships. If I had the opportunity to be reborn I would return exactly as I am, the same mix and upbringing.

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