Scandinavian... | Caribbean...[see full ethnicity in story]
Photo credit: provided by subject
Scandinavian/English/Romani Gypsy | Caribbean/Irish Traveller/Spanish Gypsy
I identify as mixed, spiritual & straight. My Father is Caribbean, Irish Traveller & Spanish Gypsy. My Mother is Scandinavian, English and Romani Gypsy. They have always known each other, the two families lived in the same area. My family has been mixing since the 1800s, genetics’ studies have shown it's good to have DNA diversity.
Culture did not have an effect on choosing my partner, my husband is of Scottish and English heritage. Being mixed-race helps me to be open minded, I see people for people and not their ethical background. A challenge is that people like to label others, and these labels can have racist/stereotypical/unconscious/conscious and prejudice elements.
I am more accepting of who I am now, and I embrace my identity. As a child, I had acrophobia and body dysmorphia due to my mixed appearance. I feel lucky as my work values me for what I do and bring to the workplace. If I had the opportunity to be reborn I would not change a thing other than I would like old me to have a chat with younger me!
I work in adult mental health as a service manager in partnership with a local charity, NHS and a university. Running courses (currently digital) on Recovery and Wellbeing. I am also the Director of Language Learners Journal, teaching English and promoting online language learning. I have an academic background in psychology and I'm a Mum to one strong minded teenage girl! It's not who or what you are that matters, but the person you become.
@Ickle Pixel Panda (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram)
@LanguageLearnersJournal (Pinterest)